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Gabriel Passos (Regap)

General Information

The Gabriel Passos Refinery (Regap) is located in Betim, in the Belo Horizonte metropolitan area. In March 2013, it completed 45 years of operation, one of the most significant undertakings in the history of Minas Gerais.

Location:Av. Refinaria Gabriel Passos, 690
Distrito Industrial Paulo Camilo Sul - Betim -MG
CEP: 32669-205

Phone:(31) 3529-4000


Terminals it is connected to

The refinery is connected to the Orbel I and Orbel II pipelines, and to the Gasbel gas pipeline. There is also the Gasbel 2 pipeline, which is not connected to Regap, but brings gas to Minas Gerais.

Brief background:

Gabriel Passos was inaugurated on March 30, 1968, with an initial throughput of 7,200 m³/day. Its name is a tribute to the engineer and politician Gabriel de Resende Passos, a former Minister of Mines and Energy.

In 1970, it became a complete refinery, with atmospheric distillation units and a park of tanks suited for its production. In 1982, a major revamp expanded its throughput: The first hydrodesulfurization units come into operation and several tanks, LPG spheres and new flares were built. The refinery received a coking unit in 1994.

The diesel hydrotreatment unit went on stream in 2009, and the gasoline portfolio units (cracked naphtha HDS and naphtha coke HDT) came in 2011. We also started building the new diesel fuel HDT unit. In 2012, we inaugurated the power co-generation unit.

Technical Features

The refinery has a total area of 12,800,000 m² and its industrial area is 2,305,515 m². It also has a 50,000-m² ecological reserve.

Its main units are:

  • Two atmospheric distillation and vacuum units
  • Two catalytic cracking Units
  • Kerosene Hydrodesulfurization Unit
  • Two Diesel Hydrodesulfurization Units
  • Delayed Coking Unit
  • Diesel Hydrotreatment Unit
  • Cracked naphtha hydrodesulfurization uni
  • Light coke naphtha hydrotreatment unit
  • Three hydrogen generation units (HGU)
  • Co-generation unit

Installed capacity:

Throughput of 24,000 m³/day or 150,000 bbl/day

Main products:

Gasoline, diesel fuel, bunker, jet fuel, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), asphalt, green petroleum coke, fuel oil, sulfur, and turpentine.

Markets it serves:

Much of the Minas Gerais market and, occasionally, the Espírito Santo market.

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